human performance
Social Maintenance and Psychological Support Using Virtual Worlds
In the space exploration domain, limitations in the Deep Space Network and the lack of real-time communication capabilities will impact various aspects of future long duration exploration such as a multi-year mission to Mars. One dimension of interest is the connection between flight crews and their Earth-based social support system, their family, friends, and colleagues. Studies in ground-based analogs of Isolated and Confined Environments (ICE) such as Antarctica have identified sensory deprivation and social monotony as threats to crew psychological well-being.
Results from a Field Study: The Need for an Emotional Relationship between the Elderly and their Assistive Technologies
Keywords: ILSA system, focus group, social needs
Managing Knowledge throughout the Software Development Cycle using the Cognitive Decision Aid Knowledge Acquisition Toolset (CDAKAT)
Automated Elder Home Care:Long Term Adaptive Aiding and Support We Can Live With
Keywords: ILSA, etiquette, interactions,
The Independent LifeStyle Assistant
Maintaining Psycho-Social Health on the Way to Mars and Back
In future long duration Mars exploration missions, network limitations and the lack of real-time communication capabilities will impact various aspects of space crew performance as well as behavioral health. Studies in ground-based analogs of Isolated and Confined Environments (ICE) such as Antarctica have identified sensory and social monotony as threats to crew psychological well-being.