
Title Date Published Authors Related Research Categories
Extracting Associations of Intersectional Identities with Discourse about Institution from Nigeria 2022
Highly-automated, high-throughput replication of yeast-based logic circuit design assessments 2022
RAPid-Learn: A Framework for Learning to Recover for Handling Novelties in Open-World Environments 2022
A Changepoint Method for Open-World Novelty Detection 2022
BIPLEX: Creative Problem-Solving by Planning for Experimentation 2022
OpenMIND: Planning and Adapting in Domains with Novelty 2021
Solving POMDPs online through HTN Planning and Monte Carlo Tree Search 2021
SPOTTER: Extending Symbolic Planning Operators through Targeted Reinforcement Learning 2021
A Novelty Centric Agent Architecture for Changing Worlds 2021
From Unstructured Text to Causal Knowledge 2021
Field Report: Exploring Fronts with Multiple Robots 2020
Discovering Meaningful Labelings for RTS Game Replays via Replay Embeddings 2020
Combinatory Categorial Grammar Learning for Plan Recognition in Domains with Type Trees 2020
Creative Problem Solving Through Automated Planning and Analogy 2020
Network Policy Enforcement Using Transactions: The NEUTRON Approach 2018
A Human-System Interface with Contingency Planning for Collaborative Operations of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 2017
Maintaining Evolving Domain Models 2016
Exploiting Time Series Data for Task Prediction and Diagnosis in an Intelligent Guidance System 2016
Extending Biology Models with Deep NLP over Scientific Articles 2016
Active Perception for Cyber Intrusion Detection and Defense 2016
An Architecture for Hybrid Planning and Execution 2016
Choices in Gamification of Therapy for PTSD 2016
Chronomorphic Programs: Runtime Diversity Prevents Exploits and Reconnaissance 2015
Addressing Sensory and Social Monotony in Long Duration Missions using the ANSIBLE Virtual Environment 2015
A Grounded Theory Approach to Individual and Team Performance Using Quantitative Analysis of Qualitative Metrics 2015
SAGA: Choices in gamification of therapy for PTSD 2015
Offline Monte Carlo Tree Search for Statistical Model Checking of Markov Decision Processes 2015
Heuristic Search for Bounded Model Checking of Probabilistic Automata 2015
Automatically Repairing Stripped Executables with CFG Microsurgery 2015
Extending Analogical Generalization with Near-Misses 2015
Toward Automatic Ontology Curation with Similarity-Based Reasoning 2015
Exploiting Graph Structure to Summarize and Compress Relational Knowledge 2015
Certification Considerations for Adaptive Systems 2015
Maintaining Psycho-Social Health on the Way to Mars and Back 2015
Measuring Plan Diversity: Pathologies in Existing Approaches and A New Plan Distance Metric 2015
Chronomorphic Programs: Using Runtime Diversity to Prevent Code Reuse Attacks 2015
SMT-based Nonlinear PDDL+ Planning 2015
HACKAR: Helpful Advice for Code Knowledge and Attack Resilience 2015
Improving Automated Cybersecurity by Generalizing Faults and Quantifying Patch Performance 2014
Neural and genetic markers of vulnerability to posttraumatic stress symptoms among survivors of the World Trade Center attacks 2014
Employing AI Techniques in Probabilistic Model Checking 2014
Brain Mechanisms of Social Threat Effects on Working Memory 2014
Improving Automated Cybersecurity by Generalizing Faults and Quantifying Patch Performance 2014
Social Maintenance and Psychological Support Using Virtual Worlds 2014
Automated Fault Analysis and Filter Generation for Adaptive Cybersecurity 2014
Formal Methods for Comparing Behavior of Procedures in Different Languages 2014
Hierarchical Abstraction Learning via Task and Event Regression 2013
Hierarchical Goal Networks and Goal-Directed Autonomy: Going where AI Planning Meets Active Goal Reasoning 2013
Meta-control for Adaptative Cybersecurity in FUZZBUSTER 2013
Self-Adaptation Metrics for Active Cybersecurity 2013
Automated Self-Adaptation for Cyber-Defense - Pushing Adaptive Perimeter Protection Inward 2013
Non-Intrusive Detection of Psycho-Social Dimensions using Sociolinguistics 2013
Open World Planning for Robots via Hindsight Optimization 2013
Linguistic interactions analysis and generation for multi-crew environments 2013
Human-Machine Etiquette: How we do (and don’t) treat machines as social actors 2013
Improving Trust Estimates in Planning Domains with Rare Failure Events 2013
Power and Politeness in Interactions: ADMIRE - A Tool for Deriving the Former from the Latter 2012
Playbook vs. Swarms: How should we coordinate UV teams? 2012
Using Concolic Testing to Refine Vulnerability Profiles in FUZZBUSTER 2012
Revising Domain Knowledge with Cross-Domain Analogy 2012
Improving Decision Support Systems Through Development of a Modular Autonomy Architecture 2012
Politeness in Teams: Implications for Directive Compliance Behavior and Associated Attitudes 2012
Frameworks for Supervisory Control: Characterizing Relationships with Unmanned Vehicles (in press) 2012
Revising domain knowledge with cross-domain analogy 2012
Identifying Culprits When Probabilistic Verification Fails 2012
Massively Collaborative Problem Solving: New Security Solutions and New Security Risks 2012
Better Parameter-free Anytime Search by Minimizing Time Between Solutions 2012
Repairing Qualitative Domain Knowledge with Cross-Domain Analogy 2012
HTN Problem Spaces: Structure, Algorithms, Termination 2012
Using Classical Planners for Plan Verification and Counterexample Generation 2012
Future Unmanned Aerial Systems Control: Feedback on highly Flexible Operator-Automation Delegation Interface Concept 2012
Delegation control in control of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) 2012
Anticipatory On-line Planning. ICAPS-12: International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (Short Paper) 2012
A Hierarchical Goal-Based Formalism and Algorithm for Single-Agent Plannin 2012
Temporal Planning with Preferences and Time-Dependent Continuous Costs 2012
Generating Strategies for Multi-Agent Pursuit-Evasion Games in Partially Observable Euclidean Space 2012
DiscoverHistory: Understanding the Past in Planning and Execution. AAMAS-12: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. Val 2012
Adaptable Operator-Automation Interface for Future Unmanned Aerial Systems Control: Development of a Highly Flexible Delegation Concept Demonstration 2012
FUZZBUSTER: A System for Self-Adaptive Immunity from Cyber Threats 2012
Delegation to Automation: Performance and Implications in Non-optimal Situations 2011
A Loop Acceleration Technique to Speed Up Verification of Automatically-Generated Plans 2011
Model-Based Systems Engineering for the Design and Development of Complex Aerospace Systems 2011
FUZZBUSTER: Towards Adaptive Immunity from Cyber Threats 2011
Fuzzbuster: Towards adaptive immunity from cyber threats 2011
CONSERVE: Client Side Intelligent Power Scheduling 2011
Priority-Based Playbook Tasking for Unmanned System Teams 2011
Repairing Incorrect Knowledge with Model Formulation and Metareasoning 2011
Embedding planning technology into satellite systems 2011
Modeling structural priming in sentence production via analogical processes 2011
Recognizing plans with loops represented in a lexicalized grammar 2011
Learning event models that explain anomolies 2011
What just happened? Explaining the past in planning and execution 2011
Constructing and revising commonsense science explanations: A metareasoning approach 2011
Can Polite Computers Produce Better Human Performance? 2010
NST: A unit testing system for Common Lisp 2010
Politeness and Etiquette Modeling: Beyond Perception to Behavior 2010
Evolving ASDF: More Cooperation, Less Coordination 2010
The Current Bottleneck for Computer-based Culture Training - Who Cares About Etiquette? 2010
An integrated systems approach to explanation-based conceptual change 2010
Interactive Phrasebook - Embeddding Human Social Dynamics in Language Training 2010
Interactive Phrasebook™ - Conveying Culture Through Etiquette 2010
Shopper: a system for executing and simulating expressive plans. 2010
Human Computer Etiquette, A Socio-Linguistic Perspective 2009
LTML - A Language for Representation Semantic Web Service Workflow Procedures 2009
Priority-Based Meta-Control within Hierarchical Task Network Planning 2009
Classifying Paintings by Artistic Genre: An Analysis of Features & Classifiers 2009
Learning Naive Physics Models by Analogical Generalization 2009
Verifying Equivalence of Procedures in Different Languages: Preliminary Results 2009
Computational Models of Etiquette: Implementations and Challenges 2009
Utilizing Human Computer Etiquette to Encourage Human-Machine Therapeutic Alliance 2009
A Multi-model Aid for Interface Design (MAID): Helping Designers Reason about Information Match 2009
Evaluating the Effects of Culture and Etiquette on Human-Computer Interaction and Human Performance 2009
Model-based Intrusion Assessment in Common Lisp 2009
SHOPPER: Interpreter for a High-level Web Services Language 2009
Trapping Malicious Insiders in the SPDR Web 2009
Delegation in LoA3 Space 2008
A new probabilistic plan recognition algorithm based on string rewriting 2008
Using Classical Planners to Solve Nondeterministic Planning Problems 2008
Learning Qualitative Causal Models via Generalization & Quantity Analysis 2008
Coordinating Highly Contingent Plans: B iasing Distributed MDPs Towards Cooperative Behavior 2008
A Computational Approach to Etiquette: Operationalizing Brown and Levinson's Politeness Model 2008
Interactive Phrasebook, Language and Culture Training 2008
Culture, Politeness and Directive Compliance: Does Saying 'Please' Make a Difference? 2008
Can an Elderly Stereotype Prime Degrade Performance on a Simulated Surgical Task? 2007
A Computational Approach to Etiquette and Politeness: Validation Experiments 2007
A Computational Apporach to Etiqeutte and Politeness: An "Etiquette Engine™" for Cultural Interaction Training 2007
Designing For Flexible Interaction Between Humans and Automation: Delegation Interfaces for Superviory Control 2007
A Computational Approach to Etiquette and Politeness 2006
Using Delegation as an Architecture for Adaptive Automation 2005
The Playbook Approach to Adaptive Automation 2005
Extracting and Improving Microarchitecture Performance on Reconfigurable Architectures 2005
Results from a Field Study: The Need for an Emotional Relationship between the Elderly and their Assistive Technologies 2005
Implications of Adaptive vs. Adaptable UIs on Decision Making: Why “Automated Adaptiveness” is Not Always the Right Answer 2005
Trust in Adaptive Automation: The Role of Etiquette in Tuning Trust via Analogic and Affective Method 2005
A Flexible Delegation-Type Interface Enhances System Performance in Human Supervision of Multiple Robots: Empirical Studies with RoboFlag 2005
Delegation Architectures: Playbooks and Policy for Keeping Operators in Charge 2005
The Etiquette Quotient: An Approach to Believable Social Interaction Behaviors 2005
Addressing Cultural Challenges in Eldercare Training 2005
A Playbook™ for Real-time, Closed-Loop Control 2005
Optimizing to Satisfice: Using Optimization to Guide Users 2005
Managing Knowledge throughout the Software Development Cycle using the Cognitive Decision Aid Knowledge Acquisition Toolset (CDAKAT) 2004
The role of “etiquette” in an automated medication reminder 2004
A Playbook Approach to Variable Autonomy Control: Application for Control of Multiple, Heterogeneous Unmanned Air Vehicles 2004
Delegation Approaches to Multiple Unmanned Vehicle Control 2004
Human-Machine Integration concepts fro the Unmanned Combat Armed Rotorcraft 2004
Human-Computer Etiquette: Managing Expectations with Intelligent Agents 2004
Trust and Etiquette in High-Criticality Automated Systems 2004
Automated Elder Home Care:Long Term Adaptive Aiding and Support We Can Live With 2004
A “Playbook” for Variable Autonomy Control of Multiple, Heterogeneous Unmanned Air Vehicles 2004
Tagging Knowledge Acquisition Sessions to Facilitate Knowledge Traceability 2004
Etiquette and Effectiveness: How Should a Smart Home Interact? 2003
Design philosophies Applied in an Elder Home Monitoring System 2003
The Etiquette Perspective for Human-Automation Relationships: Applications, Models and Results 2003
Beyond Levels of Automation: An Architecture for More Flexible Human-Automation Collaboration 2003
Identification of Cognitive Requirements for New Systems 2003
Who’s in Charge?; Intermediate Levels of Control for Robots We Can Live With. 2003
Human Control of Multiple Robots in the RoboFlag Simulation Environment 2003
Tagging Knowledge Acquisition Sessions to Improve Knowledge Transition 2003
Delegation Systems: Staying in Charge of Highly Flexible Automation 2003
The Etiquette Perspective on Human-Computer Interaction 2003
Etiquette and Associates: Creating a well-behaved, Intelligent Subordinate 2003
Delegation Architectures; Playbooks and Policy for Keeping Operators in Charge 2003
A Markov Decision Process Approach to Human/Machine Function Allocation in Optionally Piloted Vehicles 2003
A “Playbook” for Variable Autonomy Control of Multiple, Heterogeneous Unmanned Air Vehicles 2003
Delegation as a Model for Human-Automation Interaction 2002
A Playbook Interface for Mixed Initiative Control of Multiple Unmanned Vehicle Teams 2002
Providing Appropriate Situation Awareness within a Mixed-Initiative Control System 2002
DOGMA: A Diversion Management Decision-Support System in Airline Operations 2002
The Etiquette Perspective in Human-Automation Relations 2002
Agents for Recognizing and responding to the behavior of an Elder 2002
First, Cause No Harm; Issues in Building Safe, Reliable and Trustworthy Elder Care Systems 2002
Cognitive Cockpit Engineering: Coupling Functional State Assessment, Task Knowledge Management, and Decision Support for Context-Sensitive Aiding 2002
Collaboration Conducted by Intentional Declarations 2002
User Acceptance and Plan Recognition: Why Even Perfect Intent Inferencing Might Not be Good Enough 2001
Policy as a New interaction Method for Decision Support Systems 2001
Adaptive Automation: From theory to practice 2001
Small Business Research and Development; Oxymoron or Golden Opportunity? 2001
Automation as Caregiver: The role of advanced technologies in elder care 2001
Location Modeling for Ubiquitous Computing; Is this any better? 2001
Associates with Etiquette: Meta-Communication to Make Human-Automation Interaction more Natural, Productive and Polite 2001
Issues in User Acceptance and Human/Machine Performance: Lessons learned from fielding Intelligent, Adaptive Information Systems 2001
The Independent LifeStyle Assistant 2001
Verification through User Value, or ‘How to avoid drinking your own bathwater in ubicomp evaluations’ 2001
User Acceptance and Plan Recognition: Why Even Perfect Intent Inferencing Might Not be Good Enough 2001
Comparison of display requirements generated via hierarchical task and abstraction-decomposition space analysis techniques 2001
Getting Intelligence into an Intelligent User Interface: Intent-Based Policy for Automated Resource Allocation 2001
From the Microsoft Paperclip to the Rotorcraft Pilot's Associate: Lessons Learned from Fielding Adaptive Automation Systems 2000
Adaptive Automation and Decision Aiding in the Military Fast Jet Domain 2000
The Human Factor in Complexity 2000
Exploring the Culture of Procedures 2000
Applying Intent-Sensitive Policy to Automated Resource Allocation: Command, Communication and Most Importantly, Control 2000
“Tasking” Interfaces for Flexible Interaction with Automation: Keeping the Operator in Control 2000
Tasking Interface Manager: Affording pilot control of adaptive automation and aiding 2000
Rules of Etiquette, or How a Mannerly AUI should Comport Itself to Gain Social Acceptance and be Perceived as Gracious and Well-Behaved in Polite Society 2000
Intelligent User Interfaces for Correspondence Domains: Moving IUIs ‘Off the Desktop.’ 2000
The Rotorcraft Pilot’s Associate: Design and Evaluation of an Intelligent User Interface for a Cockpit Information Manager 1999
Bridging the information transfer gap: Measuring goodness of information “fit” 1999
High Level ‘Tasking Interfaces’ for Uninhabited Combat Air Vehicles 1999
Tasking Interfaces: Associate Systems that know Who’s the Boss 1997