Extracting Associations of Intersectional Identities with Discourse about Institution from Nigeria |
2022 |
Highly-automated, high-throughput replication of yeast-based logic circuit design assessments |
2022 |
RAPid-Learn: A Framework for Learning to Recover for Handling Novelties in Open-World Environments |
2022 |
A Changepoint Method for Open-World Novelty Detection |
2022 |
BIPLEX: Creative Problem-Solving by Planning for Experimentation |
2022 |
OpenMIND: Planning and Adapting in Domains with Novelty |
2021 |
Solving POMDPs online through HTN Planning and Monte Carlo Tree Search |
2021 |
SPOTTER: Extending Symbolic Planning Operators through Targeted Reinforcement Learning |
2021 |
A Novelty Centric Agent Architecture for Changing Worlds |
2021 |
From Unstructured Text to Causal Knowledge |
2021 |
Field Report: Exploring Fronts with Multiple Robots |
2020 |
Discovering Meaningful Labelings for RTS Game Replays via Replay Embeddings |
2020 |
Combinatory Categorial Grammar Learning for Plan Recognition in Domains with Type Trees |
2020 |
Creative Problem Solving Through Automated Planning and Analogy |
2020 |
Network Policy Enforcement Using Transactions: The NEUTRON Approach |
2018 |
A Human-System Interface with Contingency Planning for Collaborative Operations of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles |
2017 |
Maintaining Evolving Domain Models |
2016 |
Exploiting Time Series Data for Task Prediction and Diagnosis in an Intelligent Guidance System |
2016 |
Extending Biology Models with Deep NLP over Scientific Articles |
2016 |
Active Perception for Cyber Intrusion Detection and Defense |
2016 |
An Architecture for Hybrid Planning and Execution |
2016 |
Choices in Gamification of Therapy for PTSD |
2016 |
Chronomorphic Programs: Runtime Diversity Prevents Exploits and Reconnaissance |
2015 |
Addressing Sensory and Social Monotony in Long Duration Missions using the ANSIBLE Virtual Environment |
2015 |
A Grounded Theory Approach to Individual and Team Performance Using Quantitative Analysis of Qualitative Metrics |
2015 |
SAGA: Choices in gamification of therapy for PTSD |
2015 |
Offline Monte Carlo Tree Search for Statistical Model Checking of Markov Decision Processes |
2015 |
Heuristic Search for Bounded Model Checking of Probabilistic Automata |
2015 |
Automatically Repairing Stripped Executables with CFG Microsurgery |
2015 |
Extending Analogical Generalization with Near-Misses |
2015 |
Toward Automatic Ontology Curation with Similarity-Based Reasoning |
2015 |
Exploiting Graph Structure to Summarize and Compress Relational Knowledge |
2015 |
Certification Considerations for Adaptive Systems |
2015 |
Maintaining Psycho-Social Health on the Way to Mars and Back |
2015 |
Measuring Plan Diversity: Pathologies in Existing Approaches and A New Plan Distance Metric |
2015 |
Chronomorphic Programs: Using Runtime Diversity to Prevent Code Reuse Attacks |
2015 |
SMT-based Nonlinear PDDL+ Planning |
2015 |
HACKAR: Helpful Advice for Code Knowledge and Attack Resilience |
2015 |
Improving Automated Cybersecurity by Generalizing Faults and Quantifying Patch Performance |
2014 |
Neural and genetic markers of vulnerability to posttraumatic stress symptoms among survivors of the World Trade Center attacks |
2014 |
Employing AI Techniques in Probabilistic Model Checking |
2014 |
Brain Mechanisms of Social Threat Effects on Working Memory |
2014 |
Improving Automated Cybersecurity by Generalizing Faults and Quantifying Patch Performance |
2014 |
Social Maintenance and Psychological Support Using Virtual Worlds |
2014 |
Automated Fault Analysis and Filter Generation for Adaptive Cybersecurity |
2014 |
Formal Methods for Comparing Behavior of Procedures in Different Languages |
2014 |
Hierarchical Abstraction Learning via Task and Event Regression |
2013 |
Hierarchical Goal Networks and Goal-Directed Autonomy: Going where AI Planning Meets Active Goal Reasoning |
2013 |
Meta-control for Adaptative Cybersecurity in FUZZBUSTER |
2013 |
Self-Adaptation Metrics for Active Cybersecurity |
2013 |
Automated Self-Adaptation for Cyber-Defense - Pushing Adaptive Perimeter Protection Inward |
2013 |
Non-Intrusive Detection of Psycho-Social Dimensions using Sociolinguistics |
2013 |
Open World Planning for Robots via Hindsight Optimization |
2013 |
Linguistic interactions analysis and generation for multi-crew environments |
2013 |
Human-Machine Etiquette: How we do (and don’t) treat machines as social actors |
2013 |
Improving Trust Estimates in Planning Domains with Rare Failure Events |
2013 |
Power and Politeness in Interactions: ADMIRE - A Tool for Deriving the Former from the Latter |
2012 |
Playbook vs. Swarms: How should we coordinate UV teams? |
2012 |
Using Concolic Testing to Refine Vulnerability Profiles in FUZZBUSTER |
2012 |
Revising Domain Knowledge with Cross-Domain Analogy |
2012 |
Improving Decision Support Systems Through Development of a Modular Autonomy Architecture |
2012 |
Politeness in Teams: Implications for Directive Compliance Behavior and Associated Attitudes |
2012 |
Frameworks for Supervisory Control: Characterizing Relationships with Unmanned Vehicles (in press) |
2012 |
Revising domain knowledge with cross-domain analogy |
2012 |
Identifying Culprits When Probabilistic Verification Fails |
2012 |
Massively Collaborative Problem Solving: New Security Solutions and New Security Risks |
2012 |
Better Parameter-free Anytime Search by Minimizing Time Between Solutions |
2012 |
Repairing Qualitative Domain Knowledge with Cross-Domain Analogy |
2012 |
HTN Problem Spaces: Structure, Algorithms, Termination |
2012 |
Using Classical Planners for Plan Verification and Counterexample Generation |
2012 |
Future Unmanned Aerial Systems Control: Feedback on highly Flexible Operator-Automation Delegation Interface Concept |
2012 |
Delegation control in control of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) |
2012 |
Anticipatory On-line Planning. ICAPS-12: International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (Short Paper) |
2012 |
A Hierarchical Goal-Based Formalism and Algorithm for Single-Agent Plannin |
2012 |
Temporal Planning with Preferences and Time-Dependent Continuous Costs |
2012 |
Generating Strategies for Multi-Agent Pursuit-Evasion Games in Partially Observable Euclidean Space |
2012 |
DiscoverHistory: Understanding the Past in Planning and Execution. AAMAS-12: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. Val |
2012 |
Adaptable Operator-Automation Interface for Future Unmanned Aerial Systems Control: Development of a Highly Flexible Delegation Concept Demonstration |
2012 |
FUZZBUSTER: A System for Self-Adaptive Immunity from Cyber Threats |
2012 |
Delegation to Automation: Performance and Implications in Non-optimal Situations |
2011 |
A Loop Acceleration Technique to Speed Up Verification of Automatically-Generated Plans |
2011 |
Model-Based Systems Engineering for the Design and Development of Complex Aerospace Systems |
2011 |
FUZZBUSTER: Towards Adaptive Immunity from Cyber Threats |
2011 |
Fuzzbuster: Towards adaptive immunity from cyber threats |
2011 |
CONSERVE: Client Side Intelligent Power Scheduling |
2011 |
Priority-Based Playbook Tasking for Unmanned System Teams |
2011 |
Repairing Incorrect Knowledge with Model Formulation and Metareasoning |
2011 |
Embedding planning technology into satellite systems |
2011 |
Modeling structural priming in sentence production via analogical processes |
2011 |
Recognizing plans with loops represented in a lexicalized grammar |
2011 |
Learning event models that explain anomolies |
2011 |
What just happened? Explaining the past in planning and execution |
2011 |
Constructing and revising commonsense science explanations: A metareasoning approach |
2011 |
Can Polite Computers Produce Better Human Performance? |
2010 |
NST: A unit testing system for Common Lisp |
2010 |
Politeness and Etiquette Modeling: Beyond Perception to Behavior |
2010 |
Evolving ASDF: More Cooperation, Less Coordination |
2010 |
The Current Bottleneck for Computer-based Culture Training - Who Cares About Etiquette? |
2010 |
An integrated systems approach to explanation-based conceptual change |
2010 |
Interactive Phrasebook - Embeddding Human Social Dynamics in Language Training |
2010 |
Interactive Phrasebook™ - Conveying Culture Through Etiquette |
2010 |
Shopper: a system for executing and simulating expressive plans. |
2010 |
Human Computer Etiquette, A Socio-Linguistic Perspective |
2009 |
LTML - A Language for Representation Semantic Web Service Workflow Procedures |
2009 |
Priority-Based Meta-Control within Hierarchical Task Network Planning |
2009 |
Classifying Paintings by Artistic Genre: An Analysis of Features & Classifiers |
2009 |
Learning Naive Physics Models by Analogical Generalization |
2009 |
Verifying Equivalence of Procedures in Different Languages: Preliminary Results |
2009 |
Computational Models of Etiquette: Implementations and Challenges |
2009 |
Utilizing Human Computer Etiquette to Encourage Human-Machine Therapeutic Alliance |
2009 |
A Multi-model Aid for Interface Design (MAID): Helping Designers Reason about Information Match |
2009 |
Evaluating the Effects of Culture and Etiquette on Human-Computer Interaction and Human Performance |
2009 |
Model-based Intrusion Assessment in Common Lisp |
2009 |
SHOPPER: Interpreter for a High-level Web Services Language |
2009 |
Trapping Malicious Insiders in the SPDR Web |
2009 |
Delegation in LoA3 Space |
2008 |
A new probabilistic plan recognition algorithm based on string rewriting |
2008 |
Using Classical Planners to Solve Nondeterministic Planning Problems |
2008 |
Learning Qualitative Causal Models via Generalization & Quantity Analysis |
2008 |
Coordinating Highly Contingent Plans: B iasing Distributed MDPs Towards Cooperative Behavior |
2008 |
A Computational Approach to Etiquette: Operationalizing Brown and Levinson's Politeness Model |
2008 |
Interactive Phrasebook, Language and Culture Training |
2008 |
Culture, Politeness and Directive Compliance: Does Saying 'Please' Make a Difference? |
2008 |
Can an Elderly Stereotype Prime Degrade Performance on a Simulated Surgical Task? |
2007 |
A Computational Approach to Etiquette and Politeness: Validation Experiments |
2007 |
A Computational Apporach to Etiqeutte and Politeness: An "Etiquette Engine™" for Cultural Interaction Training |
2007 |
Designing For Flexible Interaction Between Humans and Automation: Delegation Interfaces for Superviory Control |
2007 |
A Computational Approach to Etiquette and Politeness |
2006 |
Using Delegation as an Architecture for Adaptive Automation |
2005 |
The Playbook Approach to Adaptive Automation |
2005 |
Extracting and Improving Microarchitecture Performance on Reconfigurable Architectures |
2005 |
Results from a Field Study: The Need for an Emotional Relationship between the Elderly and their Assistive Technologies |
2005 |
Implications of Adaptive vs. Adaptable UIs on Decision Making: Why “Automated Adaptiveness” is Not Always the Right Answer |
2005 |
Trust in Adaptive Automation: The Role of Etiquette in Tuning Trust via Analogic and Affective Method |
2005 |
A Flexible Delegation-Type Interface Enhances System Performance in Human Supervision of Multiple Robots: Empirical Studies with RoboFlag |
2005 |
Delegation Architectures: Playbooks and Policy for Keeping Operators in Charge |
2005 |
The Etiquette Quotient: An Approach to Believable Social Interaction Behaviors |
2005 |
Addressing Cultural Challenges in Eldercare Training |
2005 |
A Playbook™ for Real-time, Closed-Loop Control |
2005 |
Optimizing to Satisfice: Using Optimization to Guide Users |
2005 |
Managing Knowledge throughout the Software Development Cycle using the Cognitive Decision Aid Knowledge Acquisition Toolset (CDAKAT) |
2004 |
The role of “etiquette” in an automated medication reminder |
2004 |
A Playbook Approach to Variable Autonomy Control: Application for Control of Multiple, Heterogeneous Unmanned Air Vehicles |
2004 |
Delegation Approaches to Multiple Unmanned Vehicle Control |
2004 |
Human-Machine Integration concepts fro the Unmanned Combat Armed Rotorcraft |
2004 |
Human-Computer Etiquette: Managing Expectations with Intelligent Agents |
2004 |
Trust and Etiquette in High-Criticality Automated Systems |
2004 |
Automated Elder Home Care:Long Term Adaptive Aiding and Support We Can Live With |
2004 |
A “Playbook” for Variable Autonomy Control of Multiple, Heterogeneous Unmanned Air Vehicles |
2004 |
Tagging Knowledge Acquisition Sessions to Facilitate Knowledge Traceability |
2004 |
Etiquette and Effectiveness: How Should a Smart Home Interact? |
2003 |
Design philosophies Applied in an Elder Home Monitoring System |
2003 |
The Etiquette Perspective for Human-Automation Relationships: Applications, Models and Results |
2003 |
Beyond Levels of Automation: An Architecture for More Flexible Human-Automation Collaboration |
2003 |
Identification of Cognitive Requirements for New Systems |
2003 |
Who’s in Charge?; Intermediate Levels of Control for Robots We Can Live With. |
2003 |
Human Control of Multiple Robots in the RoboFlag Simulation Environment |
2003 |
Tagging Knowledge Acquisition Sessions to Improve Knowledge Transition |
2003 |
Delegation Systems: Staying in Charge of Highly Flexible Automation |
2003 |
The Etiquette Perspective on Human-Computer Interaction |
2003 |
Etiquette and Associates: Creating a well-behaved, Intelligent Subordinate |
2003 |
Delegation Architectures; Playbooks and Policy for Keeping Operators in Charge |
2003 |
A Markov Decision Process Approach to Human/Machine Function Allocation in Optionally Piloted Vehicles |
2003 |
A “Playbook” for Variable Autonomy Control of Multiple, Heterogeneous Unmanned Air Vehicles |
2003 |
Delegation as a Model for Human-Automation Interaction |
2002 |
A Playbook Interface for Mixed Initiative Control of Multiple Unmanned Vehicle Teams |
2002 |
Providing Appropriate Situation Awareness within a Mixed-Initiative Control System |
2002 |
DOGMA: A Diversion Management Decision-Support System in Airline Operations |
2002 |
The Etiquette Perspective in Human-Automation Relations |
2002 |
Agents for Recognizing and responding to the behavior of an Elder |
2002 |
First, Cause No Harm; Issues in Building Safe, Reliable and Trustworthy Elder Care Systems |
2002 |
Cognitive Cockpit Engineering: Coupling Functional State Assessment, Task Knowledge Management, and Decision Support for Context-Sensitive Aiding |
2002 |
Collaboration Conducted by Intentional Declarations |
2002 |
User Acceptance and Plan Recognition: Why Even Perfect Intent Inferencing Might Not be Good Enough |
2001 |
Policy as a New interaction Method for Decision Support Systems |
2001 |
Adaptive Automation: From theory to practice |
2001 |
Small Business Research and Development; Oxymoron or Golden Opportunity? |
2001 |
Automation as Caregiver: The role of advanced technologies in elder care |
2001 |
Location Modeling for Ubiquitous Computing; Is this any better? |
2001 |
Associates with Etiquette: Meta-Communication to Make Human-Automation Interaction more Natural, Productive and Polite |
2001 |
Issues in User Acceptance and Human/Machine Performance: Lessons learned from fielding Intelligent, Adaptive Information Systems |
2001 |
The Independent LifeStyle Assistant |
2001 |
Verification through User Value, or ‘How to avoid drinking your own bathwater in ubicomp evaluations’ |
2001 |
User Acceptance and Plan Recognition: Why Even Perfect Intent Inferencing Might Not be Good Enough |
2001 |
Comparison of display requirements generated via hierarchical task and abstraction-decomposition space analysis techniques |
2001 |
Getting Intelligence into an Intelligent User Interface: Intent-Based Policy for Automated Resource Allocation |
2001 |
From the Microsoft Paperclip to the Rotorcraft Pilot's Associate: Lessons Learned from Fielding Adaptive Automation Systems |
2000 |
Adaptive Automation and Decision Aiding in the Military Fast Jet Domain |
2000 |
The Human Factor in Complexity |
2000 |
Exploring the Culture of Procedures |
2000 |
Applying Intent-Sensitive Policy to Automated Resource Allocation: Command, Communication and Most Importantly, Control |
2000 |
“Tasking” Interfaces for Flexible Interaction with Automation: Keeping the Operator in Control |
2000 |
Tasking Interface Manager: Affording pilot control of adaptive automation and aiding |
2000 |
Rules of Etiquette, or How a Mannerly AUI should Comport Itself to Gain Social Acceptance and be Perceived as Gracious and Well-Behaved in Polite Society |
2000 |
Intelligent User Interfaces for Correspondence Domains: Moving IUIs ‘Off the Desktop.’ |
2000 |
The Rotorcraft Pilot’s Associate: Design and Evaluation of an Intelligent User Interface for a Cockpit Information Manager |
1999 |
Bridging the information transfer gap: Measuring goodness of information “fit” |
1999 |
High Level ‘Tasking Interfaces’ for Uninhabited Combat Air Vehicles |
1999 |
Tasking Interfaces: Associate Systems that know Who’s the Boss |
1997 |