Dr. Terry Zimmerman Co-Authors Article to be included in the 2011 AAMAS Workshop
SIFT Congratulates Senior Researcher Dr. Terry Zimmerman. Dr. Zimmerman has a co-authored a paper titled "CONSERVE: Client Side Intelligent Power Scheduling" which has been chosen for inclusion in the Tenth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2011).
The paper describes a scoping study performed, in conjunction with Carnegie Mellon University, to support development of a consumer-side "smart grid" agent capable of operating on behalf of the home owner. The 'CONSERVE' multi-agent approach adapts A.I. scheduling technology to the problem of automatically managing residential electrical power so as to minimize costs (and consumption) while avoiding client discomfort. The reported experimental results attest to the significant impact that this technology can have on the power consumption of a smart home water heater, given variable power costs over the day. Also described is the manner in which a CONSERVE agent supports a long-term goal of managing both client-side power demand